Is Thermacell Safe Near Dogs?

If you use Thermacell to keep your campsite insect-free, you may wonder if it is safe near dogs. Thermacell is safe near dogs when used and stored appropriately. Keep it out of the reach of dogs and allow your dogs to enter the protected zone once the unit’s...

How to Learn Camping Skills -A Boy Scouts Guide for Non-Scouts)

Scouting skills are an area that Boy Scouts excel in. They have been taught camping skills from a young age, as part of the Scouting program. In order to become a Boy Scout you must be able to demonstrate a skill. What the Boy Scouts Teach Boy Scouts teach basic...

How Do Camping Solar Panels Work?

Camping solar panels can supply your campsite with sun-powered energy. They are a handy gadget, which can be used in camping. These panels can power your sources of heat or light during the night. These panels are portable and can be carried with you. Camping solar...

What Not to Bring Camping. Seriously, Don’t.

You have a list of what to pack, but do you have a list of what NOT to bring camping? There are things you just don’t need on a camping trip, as well as things you’re just not allowed to bring. We’ll cover them all here, so read on to learn what not...

Camping Without a Tent: A Must-Do Experience

If you love to camp, getting creative and ditching your tent is a must-do experience. You can camp under the stars or find alternate ways to make shelter. Before you do any of this, be sure to check your local laws and regulations. Sometimes it’s better to ditch...