Scouting skills are an area that Boy Scouts excel in. They have been taught camping skills from a young age, as part of the Scouting program. In order to become a Boy Scout you must be able to demonstrate a skill.

What the Boy Scouts Teach

Boy Scouts teach basic outdoor skills, but also more advanced skills. For example, how to pitch a tent, start a fire using matches or a lighter, how to drive stakes into the ground using an axe.

How to Learn Camping Skills

The Boy Scouts of America teaches camping skills for many merit badges. Camping skills and outdoor skills can also be learned and used outside of scouting. This guide will help you explore some of those skills and learn how to practice them.

What Kind of Camping Will You Do?

The skills you will need for camping depend on the type of camping you do. Camping for backpacking would be different than camping for car or boat camping. Here is an article on how to learn camping skills for backpacking.

What Location Will You Camp

Where will you be camping? Be it the Rockies, the Boundary Waters, or in your own backyard? Know what your specific camp location will need before you go. Are you camping in a wooded area with many bushes and lots of bugs?

6 Essential Camping Skills to Learn and Practice

Using a Map and Compass to Find Your Way

There is nothing more important in a camping trip than being able to use a map and compass. A map is an essential tool, not only for knowing where you are, but to know where you are going. A compass, on the other hand, allows you to find north without a map. Using both of these things together are important for survival if you don’t have GPS and have lost your way.

Cooking Over a Fire

Even if you have a camping grill, you’ll need to cook food over a fire in case your grill doesn’t work or you run out of fuel. You don’t have to be a 4-star chef. Just know how to build a fire in any conditions (see below) and get some very simple ingredients for meals. Get a campfire cookbook if you aren’t a natural cook.

Building a Fire in the Rain

You can’t cook or keep yourself warm during the rain if you can’t get your fire lit. Building a fire in the rain is easy if you know how to do it. Start by taking a small, dry tinder stick and poke a small hole at the end. Once you have a hole, stuff the tinder stick in it.

Start the fire with the tinder stick. This will start a small fire. You can do this even if the rain is pouring down. Now you can create your campfire. To do this, you will need a big rock and a small stick. The rock will provide the fuel for the fire and the stick will burn in the fire to make a flame. After you have your campfire, you can cook the food. Keep a fire starter survival kit on hand if you are not sure of your fire-building skills.

Using a Knife as a Tool

A knife is an important camping tool, used for more than slicing food. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including cutting wood for a fire.The camping knife that you carry with you will allow you to do all those things easily. The only thing you need to learn how to do is keep it sharp.

Performing Basic First Aid

You always need a first aid kit when camping and it’s important to know how to deal with common injuries and incidents: bee stings, poison ivy, ankle sprains, splinters and abrasions, for instance.

Climbing a Tree

Boy Scouts learn to climb trees as a skill. You can tie up your supplies higher in a tree if you can climb it. If there is a fruit tree, you can forage higher on the branches. It’s a skill that is great to have in the wilderness.

Building a Camping Shelter

You can use a simple tarp and some parachute cord and stakes (or even sturdy sticks) to create a makeshift shelter. If you forget or damage your tent or are unexpectedly caught in a storm, a tarp can help you protect yourself from the elements until the weather passes.


These are just a few of the main skills needed for camping and they can be learned by checking out a book or exploring the Boy Scouts of America website. You can also find tutorials on YouTube. There are a lot of ways to learn how to be as prepared as a scout!