When camping, it’s important to keep your gear in good shape from season to season. When you can protect your tent and other crucial supplies from damage, it’s well worth it. Tent footprints are one such additional item that can make your gear last longer. This all-encompassing guide will help you decide whether to get one and how to get the right one. 

What Is a Tent Footprint?

A tent footprint is essentially a groundsheet that protects the bottom of your tent from wear and tear. A footprint can be used to prolong the life of your tent, especially if you’re camping on rough terrain, are carrying lots of gear, or if you’re a heavy sleeper and tend to kick the sides of the tent. 

Tent footprints can also be used to keep the tent floor clean and free of grass stains. Tent footprints are lightweight, inexpensive and compact. They are often made from coated nylon, polyurethane or vinyl.

Why Do You Need A Tent Footprint?

Why do you need a tent footprint? Why do you need a tent footprint? Frequently, a tent footprint is necessary to protect the interior of the tent from objects which may damage it.

You need a tent footprint to protect and extend the lifetime of your tent’s floor. The footprint is laid on the ground, under the tent, before you erect the tent. The footprint safeguards the tent floor against abrasion and puncture, reducing damage to the tent floor. It extends the life of the tent by protecting the tent floor from abrasion and puncture.

Your tent is at the heart of your camping experience. Keeping in tip-top shape is a priority. A tent footprint makes that easy!

How Much Does a Tent FootPrint Cost? Is it Worth It?

Tent footprints can be purchased, or you can make one yourself. They are don’t have to be very expensive, but very useful and long-lasting.

You can buy a tent footprint for anywhere from $20 to over $100. This price can vary a bit based on size, brand, weight, and quality. Most quality tent manufacturers include a footprint with their tent. 

Price will vary based on the size of the footprint (and size of your tent) and the weight of the fabric you choose. Fabric weight is an important consideration because your tent footprint will weigh more than your tent. If you have a lightweight tent, you might be able to use a lighter-weight footprint.

Do I Need the Same Footprint Manufacturer as My Tent?

No. Any footprint is better than nothing. However, if you get a footprint made by the same manufacturer as your tent, you can be sure that it’s going to fit your tent exactly. 

How Do I Choose a Tent Footprint?

The first question to ask is, what do you want the footprint to do? A footprint serves three purposes: Protection. When you place a tent down, you want to make sure that your tent is properly secured. The footprint accomplishes that by adding extra layers of protection to the bottom of your tent. A footprint also helps to protect your tent from a variety of water and wind elements. 

Can I Make My Own Tent Footprint?

Yes, you can make a tent footprint from waterproof fabric or a premade tarp. You can even use a multipurpose camping tarp – of the correct size – for your tent footprint. 

How To Set Up Your Footprint

The first thing you should do is to purchase a durable tarp or tent footprint. Then, when you unpack your tent:

  1. Spread out your footprint in the spot where you want your tent
  2. Secure it to the ground with clips, buckles, stakes, or whatever you’ve got for security.
  3. Set up your tent right over the footprint.

That’s all you need to do!

How to Store a Tent Footprint

The first thing you need to do is make sure your footprint is clean:

  1. Rinse off dust and dirt with water. 
  2. Wash down the footprint with soap and water.
  3. Dry it thoroughly, with a towel or in the sun.

Once the footprint is dry, you can carefully roll it up or fold it back into its sack (easier said than done sometimes!) It is important that it is clean and dry. Otherwise it will build up mildew and mold, which defeats the purpose of protecting your tent. 

What Size Tent Footprint Do I Need?

The tent footprint should fit your tent floor like a glove. It shouldn’t be bigger because that will allow moisture and dirt to sneak in and slide underneath your tent floor, which is no good. 

You may even want to go an inch or two smaller than your tent floor to prevent this from happening. 

Conclusion: Tent Footprints Are a Good Investment

A decent tent footprint can save your tent from damage, level the floor of your tent, and keep ground moisture from making the floor of your tent cold and uncomfortable. They don’t have to be an expensive add-on at all, and they come in many weights, so they don’t have to weigh you down, either. In short, we totally recommend getting a tent footprint!